Thursday, April 21, 2011


WARNING: this is long, but it does have a picture :)

So this whole least week I've been, well, lazy and selfish...except I prefer to call it unproductive. Seriously though, it's been bad. I blame it on the funk I've been in, which I blame on the weather because I'm being selfish and nothing is my fault :) These cloudy, rainy, sun-don't-shine days are terrible. How can people stand living in places where the sun doesn't shine for weeks at a time?? It was only a couple days since I last saw the sun and I was going CrAzY (yup, bringing back the ol' 5th-grade-make-every-other-letter-a-different-size cRaZE!!)

Ok, all silliness aside, I've also been a bad wife :S Not mean, just a little snippy and highly unhelpful. I don't want to cook, I don't want to clean, I don't want to think and I haven't even wanted to talk these last few days, which is soooooo not like me!! Aahh! I was driving myself crazy, and I can't imagine how poor Brian was feeling. So needless to say, we had breakfast for supper last night (that Brian took 100% care of, which happens often since we split meals about 50/50 because he thankfully likes to cook!) and Monday night we had some super awesome oven-baked tilapia (not) - that I will talk about in a minute. And just to give you an idea of my snippiness (totally not a word, which will happen often so don't get hung up on them), I'll tell you this little story: this morning Brian had to go to work at 7:30, which is 30 minutes earlier than normal and I never even bothered to ask why he was going into work early. I absolutely didn't care why he was going in earlier than normal. When 6:50 rolled around, I made him get out of bed (by pretty being annoying (some would call it nagging)) because I told him I didn't want him to fall back asleep and be late for work, but secretly my intentions were I wanted him to get up NOW so I could get a solid 40 minutes of sleep in before I had to wake up (see how selfish that was?) He got up and showered and came back into the room to get dressed like he always does, except this time I swear he was making exceptionally more noise than normal. Whether or not he was, doesn't matter, I proceeded to be rude. In a very groggy and irritable tone I said, "Why are you making so much noise?!" and I said with a lot of edge and annoyance in my voice, "why on earth are you going to work this early anyway?!" However, I didn't really care why he was going into work early and I immediately fell back asleep to the soothing sound of his voice telling me why he was going to work. I only said the last remark as rudely as possible to let him know I didn't appreciate him being up this early nor did I appreciate his noise. I was just being selfish. See my husband is so gracious and considerate that he gets ready every single morning in the complete dark as to not wake me (I don't have to be to work until 9 so I sleep in later than him). I should have been nicer to him this morning. He is a far better person than me.

Anyhow this day ended with the sun finally breaking through the clouds late afternoon to make for a b-e-a-utiful day! I came home and made leftovers, washed dishes, cleaned the kitchen, made a menu for our Easter meal (Brian's family is coming and this is my first time having to make a holiday meal...eeek!), made a shopping list so I can get groceries and other supplies tomorrow, cleaned the dinning room/living room and finished a graduation announcement for the most amazing, kind-hearted graduating senior ever (one of my best friend's cousins)! What a night! I sure accomplished a lot!

On to our tilapia. We had some thawed tilapia in the fridge that we needed to do something with before it spoiled. We had the brilliant idea of coating it and baking so we could enjoy some healthy, crispy fish. So we rolled it in eggs and coated it in crushed crackers with seafood seasoning, lemon pepper and pepper and we topped it off with chunks of freshly chopped garlic and a dash of lemon juice. The meal was made complete by steamed vegetables and glass of wine...mmm! It smelled and looked amazing so one would think it tasted amazing...wrong! It was not so yummy at all! The fish was waaaaaaaay too salty and the only "salt" on it was garlic! We've made this plenty of times before and it never tasted nasty, and the only difference was the seafood seasoning so I'm blaming that. We'll have to test that seasoning out again before chucking it, but seriously, it was salty!

Anyway, I had more for tonight, but since it's so late, I'm saving that for another day (hopefully tomorrow!) Good night world :)


  1. Becky :)
    I can relate with this post entirely. I do, however, testify to some hopeful news- the rut that we often dig ourselves into begins to erode :) as God's revelation of His grace and unfailing character shine through each area of our lives. Seeing the beauty of His creation always opens my eyes up to what He is doing in my life. :) I have to disagree on the non-sunny days... I love them :D they're peaceful to me... :) I am glad you had such a productive night and that you will get to share an amazing Easter dinner with Jimbo and Janet! :D no need to worry about that- you & Bdj make a good team and always give your all to company :) ( you two should get jerseys ;)...) I love you! Hope you have more productive evenings & days ahead :D - I def. look up to you, Bec :) ur the best, lady!!! :D

  2. you are ridiculous in a hilarious way...i could just see and hear you saying all of're a good writer! keep it up!

  3. i have a sneaking suspicion that our lives are running parallel to each other. as you already know, i've been partaking in this funk as well. and that's the perfect word to replace being lazy and selfish with - "unproductive." i'm probably going to have to steal that. :) i'm TOTALLY with you on the "where's the sunshine?" thing. yesterday when it finally peeked through the clouds, i swear i faintly heard a choir of angels... sorry the tilapia didn't turn out. blame the tainted taste on the tainted weather. and also, help me convince jer that wine is an essential that must be included in the budget. :)
