Saturday, June 9, 2012

The Swing of Things

So I realize I haven't written in a really long a really. long. time! and kind of apologize for it, but I know no one really follows this anyway so I don't feel too bad. I want to try to get back in the swing of things. 

I was going through photos on my computer and found some topics I've been meaning to blog about...they're all on things I've sewn or baked, yay! 

In the meantime, I hope you all are enjoying the start of summer! I know we are! Here's a picture of B and I last night at our Hobie Cat sailboat having a little picnic date (dates are something we manage to never do...maybe that's because it's always just the two of us already? Maybe we should try double dates?) Our date was complete with wine, Subway and sushi. It was lovely.

It appears as though one of us wasn't ready...despite the red flashing light!

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